Design for a social cohesion index in a rural and indigenous context: the case of Huehuetla, Puebla.


  • Mariana Betzaidet Cortés Sánchez Colegio de Postgraduados
  • José Pedro Juárez Sánchez Colegio de Postgraduados



deprivation, integration networks, poverty and inequality, social integration


Social cohesion is considered an essential component for the creation of integration networks, which facilitate local development. This research intended to define and implement an index for social cohesion within a rural and indigenous context, to evaluate its scale, and relationship with poverty and inequality. The research was carried out by applying a mixed methodology, where 92 women were interviewed, in order to estimate the horizontal index of social cohesion (HISC), using the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) technique. Using the EFA, a general index was designed consisting of three aspects: support networks for care, community support networks and economic support networks. Through the HISC, important networks for care support were identified, however only low levels in the case of economic and community support networks. No statistically significant correlation was found between income and social cohesion, although the population living in conditions of extreme poverty did present lower levels of social cohesion, a factor that aggravates their vulnerability. Important and statistically significant associations between social cohesion and educational levels in rural-indigenous contexts were identified, derived from the process of building socialization links that result from the transfer of knowledge, values, attitudes and development of capacities that particularly enable expanding the aspect of economic support networks.


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How to Cite

Cortés Sánchez, M. B., Juárez Sánchez, J. P., & Cruz de los Ángeles, J. A. (2024). Design for a social cohesion index in a rural and indigenous context: the case of Huehuetla, Puebla. Agriculture, Society and Development, 21(2), 295–314.

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